Wearing a sexy red catsuit Emily is ready for fun but not the kind I had in mind. With a roll of extra-wide vinyl tape in hand, I went to work securing her legs. Opting for a column bind over a frogtie would be more comfortable for the long haul. Her elbows and wrists were next, the tape crushing them both together. Emily's known for her mouth so a large gag is strapped tight to remind her to keep her opinions to herself. As plans go through, she still managed to complain plenty about her situation. As she was likely to keep complaining anyway and roll of tape in hand, I'd give her a good reason to.
This group are real masters of dark fetish content. In here you'll find Bad Dragon dildos, bondage, boots, fucking machines, satanic themes, sacrilegious content in general, and lots and lots of latex.
Not only is all content shot in HD, but each set carefully considers multiple factors such as: wardrobe, lighting, & scenery. Content which have been published in several mainstream kink & Latex magazines.
Johnny is really wanting to get some updates done for the website today. However, when I suggest a suspension (my favorite bondage activity) in my favorite pvc catsuit his plans get derailed. We are not going to get much accomplished today, but I am going to be really happy. Once I am barefoot and dressed in my catsuit, Johnny uses lots of rope to suspend me on my side, one leg frogtied behind me, one leg spread secured to the railing and my arms secured tightly behind my back. Then, he gives me a thick over the mouth, around the head black gag to keep me at a mumble. It takes us quite a bit of time and rope to get our goal accomplished. But, the rope work looks great and I am satisfied with the result. And, by result, I mean that I made it into my subspace, so I didn't really care how long it took.
I had a custom request for a catsuit and bare feet. So, I put on my PVC catsuit, sit back, relax, massage my feet, and paint my toenails after a long hard day. Once I am done giving my tired tootsies the treatment they deserve, Johnny obligingly fastens me into a tight hogtie with rope and stuffs my mouth with a big black latex ball gag. As I struggle around in my catsuit hogtie and barefeet, the zipper comes down further and my breasts begin to pop out of my catsuit. But, I don't care, because I am having so much fun trying out my boundaries.
Alex D does it again in Jager Und Gejagte with another masterpiece featuring latex, rubber, and hardcore german fetish to feast your eyes on. You won't want to miss a second!