Claire is a very flexible woman. Her body is lovely just standing there, but once she starts contorting it let's just say the imagination goes wild. Claire stretches as the livefeed opens. Her lovely ass greets the guests in the chat. She's locked up by her neck to a chain that goes up to the pulley. The guests begin asking her questions. She's asked to give a vaginal juice sample for a friend which she happily obliges. Then she's wrapped so tightly in red tape. Her arms and legs are bent at the joints and she's completely wrapped from head to toe. The only skin we see are the juicy bits.
Paige Richards having fun again. You just can't keep this drop stunner away from the diabolical devices at House of Gord. She seems to like mobile mayhem, and this is certainly the place for that.. As for me, well driving the truck and seeing that stretched, cinched form bouncing around at the back with her pussy and boobs all arched up is just one of those things in life that are essential for an interesting trip.
Mina is dressed in a beige bodysuit and white thigh high socks. She is wearing a blue lambskin hood and chrome collar. She has her elbows bound tightly, a crotch rope applied and secured to her arms behind her back making every movement manipulate the rope between her legs. She then has her thighs pulled back and secured to the chair sides.