Leah is brought in wearing arm and leg splints, with Soma putting her through the paces. She is instantly bombarded with impact and forced to not defend herself. Soma makes sure that Leah is humiliated as much as possible as the day moves on. Leah's body becomes red from the punishment before she is bent and forced to cum. Next, Leah is locked into a straining position and forced to deal with everything that Soma has to offer. Don't be fooled by her cute appearance, Leah is a tough girl, but is she tough enough to make it through a day with Soma?
In this great afternoon stream our little creature works on her endurance and pony skills! Greyhound has always had fantasies about being a pony and now she gets a chance to fulfill them, of course every pony needs training and our little creature is no exception. Gagged and forced to stand in a pair of painful ballet boots while having her arms bound behind her and chained to the ceiling, Greyhound does her best to practice her pony skills. Watch as she practices her knee lifts, prancing, and walking all while being forced to stand in her ballet boots. The pain soon sets in and our little creature starts to have trouble standing but with no way to escape she is forced to suffer through the pain all for your enjoyment and pleasure!
It was only a matter of time before the Ass-Up, Nasty-Cuff, Fucking machine stand ended up on the hood of the F-150. Eden gets the ride of her life on the first day back at Schloss Gord after an absence of five years.