Lexi Bloom is 21 years old, 4 months into the adult business, and shaking in her knee highs at the sight of the machines. Her nerves come out in giggles and it’s not certain she is even go to make it past the opening interview. We start slow, allowing her to pick her own cock like Goldilocks trying dildos out until she finds one that is just right.Slowly the Shockspot enters her and just grinds a little inside Lexi until she relaxes enough for the the machine to glide in and out of her. When she cums it’s a full body orgasm as she ripples and twitches and creamy cum slips out of her just fucked pussy. Unbelievable - a convert right before your very eyes.The next scene is equally as hot as she spreads in pile driver for the Little Guy. Lexi is not used to cumming so this orgasm comes with a little more effort and a little more moaning as she used her sensitive clit to push her over the edge.
This week Fuckingmachines is on the road in Las Vegas, Nevada delivering machines right to the homes of the girls we shoot!Lucy Fire welcomes us into her kitchen and we soon take over this hot red head’s, counter tops and pussy! She’s a former gymnast that likes to fuck in spread open, challenging positions so she stands tall with the Little Guy, does the splits for the Trespasser and spreads wide for the Bunny Fucker and the SatisfyHer. Her rock hard body and squirming orgasms are an absolute pleasure to witness. She even confesses that she never cums on camera, but the machines and her being in her home make it all happen for Lucy.