Princess Mia Is One Hot Number In Her Slave Outfit. She Gets All Oiled Up For Jordan, So That He Can Stick His Big Dick In Her Pussy. I Don'T Mean To Be Crass, But That'S Exactly What Happens.
Delirious Hunter had such a good idea for a grand finale that we couldn't just let it go. She came to us pretty much begging for the most intense girl-on-girl bdsm experience.
Melanie Is A Young Conservative Girl Who Has Brought Some Cookies For Her Friend Alison. They Get To Talking About The Good Old Days When Melanie Spills Water All Over Her Chest. After Cleaning Up The Mess They Go To The Living Room Where Alison Gets Melanie To Eat Her Pussy. After A While Melanie Starts To Enjoy It And They Have Passionate Lesbian Sex.
Johnny, Now A Wealthy Pharmaceutical Chemist, Makes A Surprise Visit To His Old Teacher Mrs. Rae, Where He Promptly Enrages Alanah By Telling Her Students That They Don'T Need Her Teaching To Be Successful. But Alanah Still Has A Few Things To Teach Him, And She Shows Him That No Matter How Successful He Becomes, When He'S On Her Turf, She Can Do As She Pleases, And Today She Pleases To Get Her Pussy Fucked.
Riley is very tall, with a rock hard, round bottom. Her spanking level is low so her reactions are very real. She is in agonizing pain whenever she appears in a scene. She plays a sorority friend who is on the volleyball team. Amelea Dark is an excellent spanking model who can top or take it on her curvy bottom that turns bright red very quickly.