Amanda Estela stands before us in a one piece outfit and some shorts and a sexy pair of red stilettos. Her one piece outfit beneath her shorts gives her quick access to everything she will need. With the snap of a button, Amanda lays back on the table throwing her legs up into the air while spreading them apart. One of our favorite poses is a hit with Amanda as the view stays locked in closely, titling the angle for the most coverage. She does a great job, with her stream shooting cleanly and fully into the air with extreme clarity. It’s definitely a moment that begs to be played over and over. Amanda covers a lot more diverse acts, soaking up the table top with her green one piece and squirting out some nice pissing a couple of times paired with some dildo action to name a few. She wraps things up with an excellent standing piss into a bottle with a funnel on top. She has remarkable accuracy. Without looking down for the bottle, Amanda nets it into the funnel easily until her stream slows down to a hot little trickle. She bathes herself with the bottle’s contents for her last pissy act. Wait till you see those suckable nipples..
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