Chloe comes from a very conservative home in which the wearing of jeans is strictly forbidden. Feeling that she is old enough to make her own decisions, Chloe was out all night and did not arrive home until after the sun was up. To her surprise, she found her waiting up for her. Her first chastised her for coming in at dawn and then her wearing of jeans. Chloe attempted to exert her independence as a young adult, but her was having none of this. Chloe found herself over her 's lap with her bottom bared. Soon, Chloe was promising to abide by the house rules but her didn't stop spanking until she was sure the lesson had been learned. After the spanking, Chloe was made to stand in the corner with her red, sore bottom on display. Chloe's attempted to help her young adult land her first job by obtaining an interview with the president of the company for whom she worked. During the interview, Chloe attempted to gain an advantage by "showing him a little skin." When Chloe arrived home, she found her waiting for her holding a large strap. Chloe was bent over the couch and given five hard whacks to the seat of her pants. She was then required to lower her trousers and the next twenty-five whacks were administered to her bare bottom. She was then sent to her room to call the gentleman whom she offended and was instructed that her red bottom was to remain on open display for the rest of the day.
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