They leave the club and head back to his place. They get there and he opens the side garage door. She is stumbling, so he helps her inside. "Why didn't we use your front door?" she asks. "Because your husband asked me to keep you overnight and this is your room." He flicks on the light. Its a dingy, swelteringly humid, nasty garage. "What's this?" she asks. "I'm not XXXX out here. Where's my bed?" He pulls out a folding table and sets it up. "No way.. No way I'm laying on that thing." She sneers. He grabs her and flips her around and pushes her down on the table, pinning her wrists. He ties her hands quickly and shoves the rest of her body up on the table. She flips around and screams at him to stop, but he doesn't stop until he's got her on all fours, gagged, and tied tight. She furiously bucks at the ropes and gag, but the way he's tied her makes struggling very difficult. "There you go, dear.
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