Brenda is hooded with the waist of a pair of panty hose and then the legs are wrapped around her head, cleave gagging Brenda. Lots more string is added. Her tits even get tied up! Dr. Cupcakes isn't happy with her gag so he a squishy ball in her mouth as well. Orange tape seals it in. He goes crazy with the tape, wrapping it over her eyes and under her chin. He then ties the back of the chair to an overhead hoist. More string is added to Brenda's body. Soon after he hoists her off the ground. She is terrified as she has no idea what is happening as she's blindfolded, gagged, and can barely hear. He spins her around for his and your enjoyment before he goes to get some clamps. He applies them to her nipples when he returns as Brenda moans in agony. He ties the excess nylon from her hood back, making her head back. Brenda is left to hang, spin, moan, mmpph, and endure her tight bondage. Dr. cupcakes is done it seems. The lights go out and Brenda is left hanging in darkness. I also added a deleted gag scene at the end of the clip. Earlier in the clip when her mouth was stuffed and secured with black tape, I originally wrapped a roll of vet wrap over it and then micro-foam
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