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Are you looking for a real Rubber Goddess to serve and do anything she commands? Are you ready to be her Rubber Sex Object? Then you have come to the right place. Where your wildest fantasies become reality. Come in and enjoy the magic of Rubber Empire. Enjoy our Ladies dressed in Latex playing with there Rubber Slaves.
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Videos of the most beautiful fetish & latex girlies. Here you will find little naughty latexgirlies in trouble, bad girls in bondage and torture, sadistic teenies in latexcatsuits and leather, and beautiful young girls in latex and bondage.
Sexy newcomer to bondage Imani comes home after a long day working as a secretary (or any of a host of other fun office jobs!). Unfortunately, she broke her routine and came home early while a burglar is around. He grabs her from behind with a handgag that presses down on her mouth hard as his hands pin her arms behind her back. He makes some comments about being inconvenienced by her early return (yeah, he's the one being inconvenienced!) and starts to touch her in very inappropriate places, squeezing her tits and ass with a little spanking thrown in. He then ko's her for what comes next, bondage! She comes out of the fog already tied up securely as the masked intruder fondles her roughly, keeping a hand over her mouth before tying a tight cleavegag through her teeth to keep her quiet. More fondling and he also removes her shoes and briefly gropes her pantyhosed feet before leaving her to struggle. She wastes no time and makes for the door and after some effort even manages to stand. Will she get away?!
Hot ebony babe Imani frantically tries to get the door open, which gets stuck at the most inopportune times it seems, but she doesn't quite make it as her captor grabs her before she can get out. He makes her hop back after fondling and spanking her. She is next seen on the ground where he comes over and quickly hogties her and then spanks her ass and gropes her some more before leaving her to struggle again. She does her best to get free, but has trouble with the ropes and rolls around the floor trying to get loose as we check her out in close-up and fully body hotness!
Later, Imani finds herself topless, which makes for better viewing! She has been retied and is still cleavegagged. The masked man perv does his titty squeezing bit and then his hand ventures in-between her legs and ass, making thing a bit hot and heavy and her looks express the confusion she feels what with the captivity and pleasure of being a trussed up object of desire. He leaves her to struggle and she does her best to get away and heads to the door, but ends up comically trying to open it with her feet. Her athletic prowess does allow her to stand up for a time, but eventually she is back to being the toy of the masked man who then ko's her for, shall we say, safe keeping?!
Hi everyone my name is Emma Lee and I’m a living rubberdoll and fetish bizarre model from Zagreb based in D?sseldorf, Germany my whole live. I’m in my early 30 and have been interested in rubber fetish, modelling and dungeon work since the age of 16, when I first saw in a late night show the heavy rubber model and muse from former Penthouse photographer Jo Hammar, Natalia! In the following years I searched help in the mistress scene to reach my goal of becoming a real bizarre rubberdoll. I worked a lot in dungeons and was trained by the best female domination mistresses worldwide. From Lady Riva in Cologne, Mistress Sandra in Vienna up to Mistress Dominique la Mer which I finally belong to since many years. Mistress Dominique la Mer had something very bizarre in her head and she trained and formed me to this bizarre rubber creature. I got big silicone boobs like my hero Natalia! has and was made daily into full rubber gear. My day started in rubber and it ended in full rubber and bondage gear. My clothing is exclusively made of rubber. It’s bizarre, shiny and tight. Everything in my life is about fetish bizarre rubbersex, bondage and sm practics. When I say everything, then I mean everything. Every single minute is devoted to my fetish and even if I would love to change that, there is still my jointress and mistress which me into that and has the total control about my body and soul. However I wouldn’t change anything in my life. I’m living the dream of millions of women and men outside this world. I often play and massage my big rubberized silicone boobs. I love the heavy weight, the feeling, absolutely everything on them. With my wonderful HW-Design corset Cor13 I get a wonderful tiny and very slim waist. Only my butt is not perfect from my point of view. It’s too small and not round enoguh. Maybe I have to do some butt job and fill it up with lots of silicone. *hehe*.
It was a very busy day. Terra had stayed over after work to catch up on some paper work. It was the wrong day to work late. A masked man enters the room startling Terra. He f her to raise her hands. All he wanted was the code to the safe. She refuses to give it up. When the man hears a noise he turns and Terra makes a break for it. The chase was on. The man grabs her just as she was almost to the door. He muffles her screams with his hand. Subduing Terra he takes her to a place to interrogate the code out of her. Terra quickly gives up the codes before giving up her body. What she doesn't know is giving up the codes was just the beginning of her ordeal. Terra is ball gagged, and has her wrists, ankles, knees and toes tied with rope. After she gives up the code he binds her breasts and ties he in a strict hogtie and gags with tape. He leaves her on the ground to struggle.
I was working out the other day and my trainer had me use this rubber work out strip. My silly mind went straight to bondage and I asked her if she could get me some. She knew exactly what I wanted it for of course - I mean what else would I want a bunch of rubber stripping for. The time I saw her she brought out a roll of the stuff in blue. I thought... coolio!
He wants to put her through some rigorous ties and if he's going to keep his promise that it "won't take too long" she is going to have to deal with switching positions, tension points, and predicaments rapidly.