Marketed under "Spezial Video Productions," "SV Productions," "," or "BDSM Freaks" these 61 videos primarily feature the producer's wife, Slave Kirsten, as well as other slaves and dommes. The punishments are severe and involve basically everything that pushes boundaries: tit hanging, nailing of tits and pussy lips, extreme needle torture and piercings, heavy weights, severe beatings and canings, cigarettes extinguished in intimate regions, pussy hair burnt off, a session with 1000 punishment strokes, counted out individually, simulated sessions, holidays as a slave with outdoor punishments,... The series chronicles the life of a true slave. The last video features a poignant, and fitting, end to the series, which I won't spoil here.
This has been a pet project of mine for a little while. The videos collected in this series must be counted among the most extreme and long-lasting amateur productions in the last 40 years, at least. They are obviously German, but marketed in the Netherlands, due to the latter's much more relaxed rules on morality in the 80s and 90s. (I think pornography depicting only became illegal there in 2008.)