This is the most infamous pain game studio. Those scene contain a lot of whipping and many volountary torture games where the girls get slap and pinch by hand or objects.
Pack about torture womens. It dedicated to collection of Mood-pictures scenes. Usual stuff that happens in a scene womens caning, torture, whipping, spanking. The pack feature content one source mood-pictures site. Might be of interest to see strong and independent womens w/o cucks, maginas, whight knights support.
We gave Amirah an offer which did not want to refuse, so she returns one last time, to play the special reloaded version of the COP game. In this gam«the player can draw a new card once per turn for an additional 10 strokes is ‘she is not satisfied with the first card she drew. However, this second card is always finall The rest of the COP game rules remain unchanged: The player must distribute 100 strokes to 5 body parts. Each round is slightly changed by “lucky card” that the player draws. This time Cynthia joins Tatjana as a new domina.
The latest edition of the most painful dueling game returns with Darcia and Arthemis competing against each other. They must take three rounds being whipped side by side.
In the reloaded version of your favourite pain game, this time we invited our long time submissive: Roxanne. As always, each round worths $ 500 for the player if she completes the painful task.But once she spins a new round she cannot stops or she loses everithing earned so far. Her only aids are the Doubler which doubles everithing earnes and the Free Choice which gives the choice of trlling which body part to be whipped. The biggest fear of all player is the 50 Full Body Whipping. Let's see how many rounds can Roxanne complete with this new pain wheel.
Two Domina are present: Lady Amanda and Lady Cleo. Both spin thw wheeel, the one who spins the punishment with the higher number will be the submissive in this episode and the other will continue as the domina. Unlucky poor Cleo spins 20 strokes on her bottom which make her the submissive in this episode. She is bound naked while the other girl whips her.